Your Unauthorized Guide to the Golden Age of National Lampoon Magazine

February 1974, Vol. 1, No. 47 / Strange Sex

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“COVER: This month’s cover was conceived—whoops, dirty word—and executed—that’s more like it—by Art Director David Kaestle, which tends to disprove the contention of zoologists the world over that art directors have no sense of humor. More importantly, the cover contains a price increase, and this merits a word of explanation. Our nation is, as you know, afflicted with an acute humor shortage. This shortage has led to an inevitable decision on our part, namely, whether to ration our existing supplies of humor or whether to tax them at a higher rate. After much deliberation, we have decided that rationing would be far too fair to the poor and are therefore applying a 12 percent increase in the ‘gas’ tax normally levied on magazines of our category. We would like to reiterate as we have before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Comedy Abuses that we are not hoarding our supplies of humor, that we have not allowed ourselves to become increasingly dependent on imported, particularly European, sources of humor.”

The cover shows a wedding cake topped with figures of a man and a sheep.

Contents (listing only)

Editorial, Uncredited; Cartoon by Sam Gross

News on the March, Uncredited [Henry Beard]; Illustrations by Alan Rose and Fran Hollidge, Photographs uncredited

True Facts, Uncredited; Illustration by Alan Rose

Letters, Uncredited; Illustration by Alan Rose

Mr. Chatterbox, Uncredited; Illustration by Alan Rose

Mercury, Messenger of God, Written and illustrated by M. K. Brown

First Lay Comics, By Doug Kenney; Illustrated by Joe Orlando

Strange Sex We Have Known, By William S. Burroughs and Terry Southern

Boxed In, By Chris Miller; Illustration by Melinda Bordelon

S-x Fair & Pornographicum, Written and illustrated by Bruce McCall

Sexentrics, Cartoons by Rodrigues

Amicae Curiae, Illustrated by Mara McAfee; Idea by Tony Hendra

Whiffers and Cooties and Lungers on Strings, By Doug Kenney; Photograph by Dick Frank

Saturday Nite on Antarius!, Written and illustrated by Ed Subitzky

National Lampoof Magazine, By Sean Kelly and Tony Hendra; Illustrated by Gahan Wilson, Hama & Reese, Jeff Jones, Rodrigues, and others; Photographs uncredited

Split Beaver Section, By Brian McConnachie and Tony Hendra; Illustration by Don Ivan Punchatz, Alan Kupperberg, and others uncredited; Photographs by Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold Agency, and others uncredited

Funny Pages, Featuring “Nuts” by Gahan Wilson; “Cheech Wizard” by Vaughn Bodé; “Idyl” by Jeff Jones; “Trots and Bonnie” by Shary Flenniken; “Chicken Gutz” by Randall Enos; “A Glass of Beer with Stanley” by Rodrigues; and “One Year Affair” (one episode) by Ralph Reese and Byron Preiss

Original material (excluding quoted material) © 1997-2024 Mark Simonson.
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