Your Unauthorized Guide to the Golden Age of National Lampoon Magazine

NatLamp Audio Online

March 23, 2004

Reader Ed Bondurant informs me that two National Lampoon albums are available for download on, the online spoken-word audio source. You can get That’s Not Funny, That’s Sick! or the National Lampoon White Album for $11.95 and listen to them on your computer or portable MP3 player (such as Apple’s iPod).

In related news, National Lampoon Radio Hour, in its current re-packaged format, with host Richard Belzer, is also available on, either in 12-month or 1-month subscriptions. Additionally, if you have Apple’s iTunes (available for both Windows and Macs), you can also buy and download individual shows from the iTunes Music Store. (Tip: Fire up iTunes, select the iTunes Music Store, and type “lampoon” in the search box to quickly find them.)

Update: So… All this info is completely out of date. You can’t get any of this stuff from Audible anymore. I do believe these LPs (and individual cuts) are still available from Apple Music (previously iTunes) as well as other music streaming services.


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