If You Don’t Buy This Book, We’ll Kill This Dog! Life, Laughs, Love, & Death at National Lampoon

By Matty Simmons
Barricade Books, 1994
Straight from the horse’s mouth, here is the most complete (as of 1994) account of the history of National Lampoon, written by its long-time publisher. Simmons has a tendency to ramble, but the material is so fascinating, in the end it doesn’t matter.
Reading his account of the ill-fated take-over by actor Tim Matheson and Dan Grodnik and the subsequent sale of the magazine to J2 Communications is like watching a car accident in slow motion, with the survivors walking away with little more than the name plate.
In addition to the magazine, other NatLamp enterprises (such as the stage shows, movies, and television shows) are covered in detail.
Finally, the book contains anecdotes and personal sketches of virtually everyone associated with Lampoon, many of whom went on to much bigger things.
This book is a great read for any fan of National Lampoon.
Original material (excluding quoted material) © 1997-2024 Mark Simonson.
Mark's Very Large National Lampoon Site is not affiliated with National Lampoon or National Lampoon Inc.
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