Your Unauthorized Guide to the Golden Age of National Lampoon Magazine

82. Funny Travel Story

March 3, 2004

Q: One of the funniest stories I ever read in the mag concerned a guy who was traveling to to the Far East and, as a joke, some items were planted in his briefcase, his passport was altered and he ended up in a Chinese prison. Eventually his wife and children’s pet duck (!) were brought into the story to bring more misery upon the hapless fellow. Would you happen to know what the name of the story is? I have been trying to locate it for years.

A: It was “My Life of Practical Joking” by Tod Carroll from the October 1979 (Comedy) issue. (Thanks to Jim for providing the answer.)


I think that the article was called " My life as a practicle joker" 1978 maybe


April 25, 2004 6:57 am

Hi Mark, This is actually an article called "My life of practical joking" by Tod Carroll and it's from the Oct. 1979 Comedy issue. Great site you have here, keep up the good work. Jim

—Jim Woodward

July 26, 2004 7:53 am

It also reminded me a bit of a cartoon story called "A Paranoid Abroad" ( or something like that ) by Gahan Wilson. I think it would have been in a "Travel" themed issue.

—Scott R

September 10, 2006 1:08 pm

where can I find a copy of that piece, "My life of practical joking"? I still remember it as one of the funniest damn things I ever read


December 13, 2008 12:53 pm

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